Maternity Leave: Teddy Bears

23 answers

Getting a Baby to Sleep Longer Through the Night.

Just wondering if anyone had any tips, techniques, advice on getting a baby to sleep longer through the night. I have a 7 week old who was sleeping 5 to 6 hours through the night but now is starting to only sleep 3 hours. He does wake up sometimes because he has gas (any advice on that would be helpful too - I think if he didn't have gas he might be sleeping longer too). I breastfeed him and he sleeps in a bassinet right next to me (and every sound he makes tends to wake me up). Thanks for the help.

Breastfeeding & Work

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9 answers

Weaning from Breastfeeding

My daughter is 16 months old and still breastfeeding, in addition to eating 'adult' food. She can drink from a sippy cup or bottle, and has started drinking cow's milk at school. I don't mind still breastfeeding her at this age, but the frequency of it is driving me crazy. She will sometimes eat, stop, eat, stop, over and over. She just got over a fever that she had for several days, so I would get up when she cried at night because it was a pretty high fever and I did what I could to make her feel better. Of course last night, she kept...