Friends: Nuby

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4 answers

Sippy Cup Choice

Ok ladies, I have my son on Nuby sippy' of my friends told me the other day her pediatrician said that Nuby was bad for the teeth and jaw development because it is still soft nipple like a bottle. I know all doctors are different and believe in different ways but have any of you heard this? I tried all kinds of sippy's and Nuby is the only one my baby likes to drink out you suggest me to try any other kind?

Birthday Parties

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18 answers

Picky Eater/bad Habits/a Child Friendly Environment for a Bday Party

I'm a first time mom and have a 22 month old who seems to be stuck with the stage 2 gerber baby food. (only to turkey and rice & squash) He used to be open to all before he turned 1. Aside from what I mentioned, he used to love the Graduates, carrot and the green bean chunks. Now he makes a face everytime I try something new and will say "NO!" even before he gives it a taste. What makes it weird is he will eat table food without a problem. He has his days when he refuses it and will ask for the gerber food. Also, the only fruit he will eat...