Diapers Not Holding During Day: Ergo

Results 1-10 from 31 articles

Carriers and Slings

M. asks from Cincinnati

I have a three month old daughter and would like to find a good sling or carrier, as she likes to be held all the time. I've tried others in the past with my other c...


Air Travel Tips W/ Infant

D.E. asks from Los Angeles

I need airplane travel advice…my husband will be on the plane 5 hours (not including checking in) with my 3 1/2 month baby whom I am nursing. We will be sitting in...


Another "Traveling with Baby" Help Request., for High-Maintenance Baby.. :)

P.D. asks from San Francisco

Hello Mommies, I know this has probably been posted many times. I will be traveling with my soon-to-be six-month-old. It will be a four hour flight, through Sou...


First Time Flying with a 2 Month Baby

N.W. asks from Anchorage

This will be our first time flying with a 2 month old little boy and I was wondering what advice other moms have. What are they allowing to take on the plane and do ...


Travel System Stroller or Other Smaller?- Suggestions for Air Travel with Baby

H.J. asks from Austin

I have 3 trips planned while my daughter is between the ages of 5-6 months. I will be travelling on my own and am very nervous about travelling with an infant. She ...


Getting Out of the House with a Toddler and 2 Month Old

J.K. asks from Anchorage

I'm a stay at home mom with two children under the age of two. One is 19 months old boy and other is a 2 month old girl. I have been blessed to have my mom help me ar...


Flying with a Newborn ....

J.A. asks from Kansas City

Hello! My sister, who lives in San Diego, is a surrogate for my husband and myself. She is currently 19 weeks pregnant with our twin boys! She's been so incredibly...


Breastfeeding in Public and Hands-free

T.R. asks from Los Angeles

Can anyone recommend a good sling brand for breastfeeding in public and on the go? I'm a new mom of a week old baby girl, and am feeling a bit overwhelmed about gett...


Baby Shower Gift for a 3 Month Old ...

G.♣. asks from Springfield

I'm going to a baby shower for my husband's cousin and for her brother's girlfriend whose baby is already 3 months old. The grandma is hosting the shower - didn't wa...


New Baby Must-Haves

J.H. asks from Columbus

I am pregnant with my first child and my husband and I were talking about when we should start buying baby stuff, and what we should get. So I'm curious: When did ...