Bathing Suits.... Uuuugh.

Updated on March 19, 2010
R.D. asks from Richmond, VA
11 answers

Hey ladies! Quick question, since we're all moms here... other than eating healthy and excersising, what makes you feel more confident in a bathing suit? I've got a lot of extra skin on my tummy from having 3 kids... the only way this is going away is with plastic surgery. I looks ridiculous in ALL bathing suits... my tummy ruins 2 pieces, I absolutely abhor tankinis, and one pieces look extremely silly since I'm short and have a very short torso. I feel most comfortable in a bikini... except for my tummy. So, I think we ALL need a little confidence boost during bathing suit season... what makes you feel good about donning swimgear?... especially for ladies like me, who have perfectly imperfect bodies :)

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answers from Washington DC on

I don't worry about how it looks, I worry more that its comfortable and I can enjoy myself without worrying a boob is going to pop out.

I tell myself people aren't saying "ew, she shouldn't be in a bathing suit" but instead are saying "look at that great mom having fun with her son in the pool/on the beach/etc".

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answers from Nashville on

From the way you describe your figure, I'll bet you'd look great in a two piece with a bikini bottom and a swing-top. That would camouflage your tummy, and is very fashionable and cute. In fact, I've seen other shorter moms wearing them and thought they looked so adorable in them that I bought one on sale at the end of the summer and can't wait to put it on this year! I am taller and have a larger rear (along with the stretched out stomach!) but it looks cute enough on me, as well.

Another option is to wear a one piece with vertical lines to elongate your body.

Another option is to wear a beach cover over your bikini and just wear the bikini when you are sunning or in the water. Or you could wear a one piece with a wrap skirt when you are walking around.

Here are a few links:
A seersucker swing top by J Crew:


Flattering swimsuits:

Hope this helps a bit.

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answers from Detroit on

I agree take a good look, not judging, but a good look at the other moms at the pool/beach/spray park. We all have that mommy body look and everyone is just as insecure as you are. I was just talking with a couple of moms the other day who look Great and have very little belly flab/fat and the will not even put on a bathing suit. It is really sad that we are so h*** o* ourselves...myself included.
I say find a suit that you like and strut you stuff!!

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answers from Sacramento on

Look for two pieces that have a higher waisted bikini bottom that hits right at the middle of the post-baby sag. This will pull in the extra skin and help your tummy look flatter.

What makes me feel better is actually going to a pool or beach and seeing all of the other moms out there with the same body issues. For me, my thighs are a mess despite tons of time at the gym and a healthy diet. Well, guess what ... I've realized lots of other women also have bumpy thighs. Don't compare yourself to any of the celebrity moms out there because they have easy access to plastic surgeons.

Enjoy your swimsuit days!

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answers from Washington DC on

Well, as one mother said it " I'm definitely skirt material!" 37 and after birthing five kids. Skirt material to cover the birth girth...saving grace!



answers from Washington DC on

Wear what makes you feel good. I am tall 6 1 and I wear a bikini. I have had two kids so I don't have the perfect body either and I have a "baby tummy" too but I feel confident in what I wear and I am happy with myself and what also works is that my husband tells me everyday how I look. I have a friend who loves the suits from Lands End, also you can get a one piece with some roushing (sp) that usually hides the tummy. Go with what works.
Remember if you feel good about yourself you can pull off any look.



answers from Atlanta on

I have to agree with Katrina. I don't love the way I look post-baby but I'm trying to be gentle with myself and appreciate everything my body has done for me. While I'll never be runway material, my body made my beautiful son and my body carries me through life just fine, which is all I can ask of it. I also love this swimsuit from Land's End - it helps with the tummy area without feeling like you're wearing a girdle.


answers from Kalamazoo on

Well, my last two swimsuits that I love are tankinis. Normal swimsuit bottoms with the tank top, but I only like certain tank tops. My most recent that I love has drawstrings up the side so when you tighten those, it shortens the sides a bit and creates some texture in the front. Kinda hard to describe, but it provides alittle bit of camoflauge to the belly area. It's also fairly low cut in front. I figure show off the assests and hide the rest!!!!



answers from Boise on

Go out there for yourself and to have fun. Don't compare yourself. I had to get into a bathing suit at 6 months pregnant and still in one at 7.5 so that my son could take swim classes. There are always those skinny little moms, but so what, I don't care...that is what I keep telling myself anyway. :) Besides, who are we trying to impress?



answers from Washington DC on

You know what looks best on you but I love It Figures brand. You can find it online at several sources and they help you figure out what looks best. For me, the combination of a top and a skirt looks best and is easiest for keeping up with the kids without worrying what all is showing.



answers from Chicago on

Have you tried lands end? You can mix and match tops and bottoms and they have some top pieces that you can ruche to make longer or shorter. I have gotten all my suits there since having kids.

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