Swimming: Toddler, Arms Reach

Results 1-10 from 38 articles

Swimming Pools?

N.B. asks from Canton

Anyone have recommendations for swimming pools/clubs with pools -- outdoor for the summer and indoor pools for the winter? Thanks!


Summertime Swimming = PANIC ATTACK!

L.K. asks from Asheville

How can I as the parent get over my grave fear of taking my daughter swimming this summer? I am going to get her into swimming lessons, but I just have this horrible ...


Swimming for 32 Months Old..

F.G. asks from Philadelphia

Hi everyone, My daughter is 32 months and loves water,i took her to kids pool last year but she always wanted to go in the bigger one:))..i need help here...what shu...


Help with Our Son's Self Confidence with Swimming

K.G. asks from Washington DC

This is my first question but I have been reading other posts for a few months now and am awed at the wisdom that is available out there! This concerns my son an...


Swimming Wings for Toddlers?

C.F. asks from Salt Lake City

We are going to Southern California during the beginning of July. We will be spending lots of time at the beach and the pool. I have a 2 year old toddler who has no...


Fear of Swimming? and How to Approach It?

R.H. asks from Los Angeles

A friend of ours gives our 4 yr old son private swim lessons, and we can get him in the water, and he might kick a little and even blow a few bubbles, but beyond that...


Is My 1-Year-old Ready for a Toddler Bed???

S.R. asks from Dallas

Hey Mamas! I know that question sounds crazy, but I'm in a bit of a situation... When we were gathering together everything we needed for our little girl's nurs...


Best Swimming Aid for Two Year Old

J.D. asks from New York

Hello, What would you recommand for my toddler? He's had the armbands but I would like to change to a styropor belt. Are they safe enough/ do they keep them aflout...


Swimmies/Floaty For 2 Year Old

S.L. asks from Philadelphia

My son turned 2 about a month ago and he loves the water. We are going to a pool party next weekend and my in-laws have a place at the beach, so we'll be spending a l...


Is It Too Early to Start Swim Lessons

C.F. asks from Salt Lake City

My son just turned 2 a few weeks ago. Is it too early to enroll him in swimming lessons? Thanks for your advice.