Solid Foods & Weaning: Infant, Curves

Results 1-10 from 58 articles

Weaning from Bottle

S.S. asks from Phoenix

My pediatrician told me at my sons 9 month visit that it was time to start weaning him from the bottle. He said to start putting 1 bottle a day in a cup or sippy cup ...


Infant Not Gaining Weight

J.T. asks from Dallas

I have an 10 1/2 month old little boy. When we went to the doctor for our 9 month checkup he had not gained any weight since his 6th month appointment. The doctor s...


Constipated Breastfed Baby

M.P. asks from Columbus

My four month old son is breastfed, but seems to get constipated. He only poops about once a week, which I think can be normal for a breastfed baby, but has so much t...


How Hard Should It Be to Get a Baby to Take a Pacifier?

K.L. asks from Washington DC

I would like to be a able to use a pacifier with my 2-month-old daughter, but she usually spits it out. My mom had some success with getting her to take it in the fi...


Baby Weight

B.S. asks from Fort Myers

hey moms i need some help. I jsut gave birth to my 3 month old little girl and boy did i pack on the pounds. (50 to be exact) and with it being the holiday season i j...


Wanting to Lose All Baby Weight Including 3 Yrs Ago Baby Weight HELP

H.A. asks from Amarillo

Hello I am a mother of a 3 yr old and expecting my second. I have finally reach my max in weight i think. My first pregnancy i gained 80 pounds sitting around all day...


My Baby (11 Months) Is Small and Has Slow Growth.

T.W. asks from Portland

At my daughters 9 month well child visit she weighed 16.5 pounds which was the 15th percentile but was 50% for length and head circumference. She has always been on ...


My Baby Is 9 Months Old and My Milk Supply Has Suddenly Dropped. Help.

H.B. asks from Portland

I had a great supply of milk for the first 6 months after my son was born. I work Mon, Tues, and every other Friday, so I have to pump on those days. Recently I hav...


Post Baby Weight

K.A. asks from Oklahoma City

I am a new mom to a 3 month old little girl. I was super fit before pregnancy, and felt and looked pretty good through it. I gained 35 total lbs. during pregnancy. I ...


Breastfeeding Keeping Baby Weight On?????

J.H. asks from New York

I'm going crazy! I am the healthiest eater I know. (I only eat organic, cook everything from scratch, low salt, no processed foods, no manmade foods, drinks lots of...