Pets & Dander: Toddler, Hydrocortisone

Results 1-10 from 482 articles

Acid Mantle (Cream Mixed with Hydrocortisone) - Is It Safe?

J.L. asks from Philadelphia

I have a 15 month old son who has extremely sensitive skin and had horrible ezcema (sp?) since he was an infant. We found out that it was mostly caused by an allergy...


Can Prolonged Use of Hydrocortisone Cream Affect Growth of Child?

M.L. asks from San Diego

Hello moms. My 18 month old boy has chronic eczema since he was 6 months old and have been using a hydrocortisone cream prescribed by our pediatrician. We have been ...


My Dog Has Allergies! :(

K.I. asks from Los Angeles

Hi All, My poor dog has allergies! To what we do not know yet. Next appointment we are having his Thyroid checked. For now we have him on a Lamb and Rice dog food,...


Excema = Allergy?

E. asks from Detroit

Does Excema ALWAYS mean there is an allergy? My son is 6 months old and has had bad excema since about 2 months. Under my ped's advice, I use Cortisone and Aquaphor, ...


Skin Allergy

R.M. asks from Washington DC

Hi, I have an 18 month old daughter with a skin allergy. We have recently moved to Singapore and her rashes have gotten worse. I have had her in cloth diapers since...


Allergy to Something?!

K.D. asks from Portland

I have lots of allergies so I watched for any reactions when I introduced foods really slowly to my son after 6 months of breast milk only. We eat as organic as possi...


Suggestions for Allergic Reactions

J.G. asks from Phoenix

my daughter is 10 yrs old and have allergic reaction but I don know to what, may you moms can helpme'cause i dont know what I need to do, my daughter have running nos...


Is It an Allergy Rash, Hypersensitivity or What???

A.G. asks from San Francisco

Hello ladies: I have a 61/2 mos old boy and I'm very concern. He has developed a terrible rash, on his little butt that at this point I'm not sure what it could be. I...


Narrowing down Food Allergy

L.G. asks from San Francisco

My daughter has a red rash around her mouth and we thought it was a food allergy. We even thought we had figured out the food culprit, but the rash continues. Our f...


Congestion Due to an Allergy?

C.G. asks from Saginaw

My 4 1/2 month daughter has had continuous episodes of congestion and sneezing. Her ped does indicate that she has an allergy and keeps having us switch formulas. I t...