Nap & Bedtime: First Response

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66 answers

Question About Letting Baby Cry Himself to Sleep

My baby boy is 9 months old. He was breastfed but is now on solid food and drinks formula. He wakes up 1-2 times a night to drink formula and goes back to sleep. He usually goes down around 9:00 p.m. and sleeps until 8:00-9:00 the next day, waking up during the night 1-2 times. I walk him to sleep. Lately he has been waking up around 5:30 a.m., drinking some bottle, and acting very sleepy but fighting it. I walk him but he fusses and won't let himself just drift back to sleep. Twice I have just layed him back in his crib, made sure he...

Night Light

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31 answers

Light Reading on Pregnancy Test!!

Hello Ladies, I recently took a Pregnancy test...I am late on my period and I ended up getting sick with a cold or something like that. I mean I had a sore Throat, fever...all that good stuff. So i decided to take a test to be on the safe side before I took some medicine. Well the Test i took was First Response...well I took it at night and I saw that it had a very light line showing positive. So I took another one in the morning and it was a tad bit darker then the first one. This all happen on I have been sick with...

Night Waking & Crying

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24 answers

8 Month Old Won't Sleep Through the Night Anymore! Why?!!!

My daughter has been sleeping through the night (12 hours) since she was 9 weeks old. For the last few nights, though, she has woken up sometime between 1am and 3am. She fusses, I go in there and change her diaper and give her pacifier to her, and then leave. She continues fussing, rubbing her eyes, etc. She gets louder and louder, until I go in there and feed her a bottle. Then she falls right back to sleep for the rest of the night. I'm just wondering why all of a sudden she is needing a feeding in the night? I am feeding her 4 bottles a...