Freshman: Infant

Results 1-10 from 38 articles

Big Chest Back Problems

E.M. asks from Los Angeles

so ive always had a big chest. now after having two kids i went from a size d or dd to f or g. I noticed in the mirror today that i might be forming a hunch in my bac...


Why Would You Keep Your Kindergartner Back?

D.D. asks from Pittsburgh

Our son turned 5 in June of 2011, he started school that August. So he was 5 and 2 months old. Has had very rough start with behavior. He has gone to counseling, and ...


Opinions Regarding Back to School Night

M.G. asks from Seattle

Tonight is back to school night for my oldest, she's in 3rd grade. When she was in kindergarten we did go the back to school night, we even did it in 1st grade. Howev...


My Baby Girl Is a BEAUTIFUL Mess!! How Do I Get Her to Care?

N.G. asks from Dallas

My precious, charming & very bright 8-year-old daughter is the absolute light of my life. But she's such a mess! It's like the girl has absolutely no self-awareness...


Your Thoughts on a 6Th Grader with a Boyfriend

L.A. asks from Chicago

Ok, maybe I am too old to remember, but when did you have your first real boyfriend? A school friend of my daughters is in 6th grade and is on her second boyfriend. T...


To Redshirt or Not to Redshirt? That Is the Question.

S.A. asks from Chicago

My 4 yr old son is in Pre-K 4 this year. He has an August birthday, so he started preschool right after he turned 4. He will be eligible to start K right after he t...


Am I Being Too Hard on My Kid?

A.B. asks from San Diego

Dear Moms: I need your honest opinion about this: My 6th grader has always been an outstading student, and also a chatty guy in and outside the classroom. Therefore,...


Crossbite and Braces for 8 Year Old?

A.R. asks from Houston

We just got back from my daughter's consultation with the orthodontist today. My daughter had an expander put in when she was 4.5. The orthodontist said that her to...


What Is Considered an Appropriate Babysitting Age?

L.S. asks from Omaha

We have three daughters. The oldest is in 6th grade and is 11 (12 in August). Our second is 7 and youngest will be 2 in May. I know it depends upon the behaviors of t...


I Am in Desperite Need for Advise in Juggling Four Little Ones

E.F. asks from Richmond

I have four kids, two boys soon to be 6 and 4 and two girls 2 and 7 months. my oldest started school last year and is now in first grade. I try so hard to spend qua...