Eating Out: Toddler, Aveeno

Results 1-10 from 676 articles

21 Month Son Has Dry Patches/small Bumps on Skin

K.S. asks from Charlotte

My son was born with tiny bumps on the back of his arms (like mommy). Now, his back is so dry and after bath, the skin on his back turns very red. I use johnson & joh...


Allergy Testing for 13 Month Old

S.T. asks from Columbus

My 13 month old has severe excema on his head and face. At our last doctor visit (last week) my doctor suggested that we get him tested for allergies to see if that ...


14 Month Old with Excema and Psoriasis

K.H. asks from Portland

Hi, my almost 14 month old son has been having major skin issues since about April when I slowly started to wean him. It started out as excema behind the knees which...


Help - My 13 Month Old Has a Bad Diaper Rash!

A.L. asks from Norfolk

My 13 month old daughter developed a sudden diaper rash with two very raw areas that look like popped blisters (approx 2 cm in diameter)right where her bottom cheeks ...


8 Month Old Sleeping and Eating Habits

H.W. asks from Des Moines

I have an 8 1/2 month old little boy.....over the past few weeks he has been more difficult when eating; he throws his hands around and, often, whacks the spoon with ...


Adopting a Boy - What to Register for an (18 Month Old) Baby Shower

W.M. asks from Dallas

My husband will have the son we've been praying for in two months. Some friends from our church are wanting to throw us a shower - can you give me an idea of the "mus...


Skin Condition for My 21 Month Old Son

T.J. asks from Flagstaff

My son, who is now about 21 months old, has always had excema. Or at least that is what his pediatrician has said. We've used aquaphor, vaseline, and several differen...


2 Year Old Still on the Bottle

S.M. asks from Sacramento

Does anyone have any suggestions of how to get my 2 year old off of the bottle? He is still on formula as well, we are trying to get him on other foods but he has a v...


21 Month Old with Ezcema?

N.M. asks from Dallas

Here's the situation my son has broken out with these tiny little bumps(no blisters or pus or anything just tine dry bumps) all over his belly and on the side of his ...


Severe Diaper Rash - 18 Month Old Boy

C.J. asks from Detroit

My son has a severe diaper rash. He is 18 months old. It seems to get worse every day for over a week now. His skin is bleeding in several places. I have put diap...