Dental: Toddler, Born free

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35 answers

Getting 14 Month off the Bottle

Hi, I was wondering if anyone out there has advice about how to get my 14 month old off the bottle. She will drink out of a sippy cup (water and juice only) but she will not drink her milk unless it is in a bottle. I've tried giving it to her in a sippy cup (cold and warm). She takes a big "sip", wrinkles her face and hands it back to me. Any information is helpful. Thanks!

Cavity Prevention

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26 answers

Advice on Weaning 1 Year Old off the Bottle to Sippy Cup

Does anyone have advice on HOW and WHEN to wean a baby off the bottle to a sippy cup???? My son just made 1 yr last week. We took him in for his 1 year well baby check up and the ped suggested we wean him off the bottle soon! Her concern was that babies that go longer than a year on a bottle usually end up having issues with their teeth. I can see where she's coming from. BUT... My husband seems to think that I should take the bottle away from my son, COLD TURKEY! I don't think that's the answer though, I feel like I should do it...


Weaning from Bottle

When and how did you start weaning your little ones from the bottle. I have...


Advice on Sippy Cup

My daughter is about 7 1/2 months and was wondering when to start her on a...


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14 answers

My 13 Month Old Is Picky, picky...picky!

My 13 month old little guy is ALL boy, except for his eating habits. Ever since he's realized he can eat what mommy is eating (to a point), that is all he wants. But then when I sit him down in his high chair, he sometimes puts the food in his mouth, then spits it out. He will drink his bottles like they are going out of style as many times as he can during the day and will throw tiny fits unless he doesn't have his bottle (whole milk of course), or get whiney until we give them to him. He will eat some foods (cheerios, pastas of every...


Is She Teething?

Good morning, I think my five month old might be teething. She is...