Clothing & Accessories: Infant, Nestle & Carnation

9 answers

Baby Budget - NEED NUMBERS!

We have a 1 week old baby! (Yay, I know - - - I'm overjoyed) But we're also going through a bit of a financial crisis at the same time so we are going through a financial counselor. He wants us to itemize out EVERYTHING & I mean EVERYTHING, for a month to get an average. I know that a newborn differs from a 6 month old & a 6month old differs from a 12 month old so let's compare. What do you spend & on WHAT exactly? How much on diapers? Formula? If not formula - how much on baby food? Clothes? Medicines Lotions/baby baths/etc...


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19 answers

What Type of Formula Is Best?

I am back to work and pumping three times a day. I had quite a stash of frozen breastmilk prior to returning to work, but my four and a half month old is a super eater and he is quickly going through my stash. I have tried increasing my milk supply with fenugreek, but he is going to catch up with me next week and I am going to need to supplement a bit with formula. We have started some rice cereal too. Thanks in advance for your recommendations of the best baby formula to supplement with.


Organic or Not????

Want to know what others know/think about organic food/ organic everything...