Which Double Stroller Do I Buy?

Updated on November 01, 2008
K.P. asks from Saratoga Springs, UT
4 answers

I am pregnant with my second so my kids will be 18 months apart and I know a double stroller is a must, but which one? There are so many different styles out there now that I would love suggestions from moms who have actually used them and put them to the test. I would also consider buying used so let me know if you have one for sale. Thanks!

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answers from Provo on

I had a Graco duoglider that I found was hard to push, especially with a heavier child in front. I recently bought a Sit n Stand Delux stroller. It's amazing. I love that the trays are easy to remove, plus you can have two seats or take out the back seat for a bench/stand for a toddler. They also have a metal bar to put on the front for a carseat. It's steering is fabulous and folds very easy. I take off the front tray to fit it in the back of my van, which is a fairly small space. I bought it on ksl, but I think they are at target and pretty affordable for a double stroller.



answers from Provo on

I absolutely love my Combi twin savvy stroller. It's a double wide that is no wider than a wheelchair, so it fits anywhere that's ADA compliant. It folds up to the size of a golf bag - lifesaver! It also turns on a dime. It only fits the combi infant seat, but honestly, we never used an infant seat with it (just took the babies out of their seats and into their stroller) and it wasn't that bad. It was worth the hassle since it's the stroller my kids will be using until they outgrow strollers - won't ever have to buy another stroller. Besides, they outgrew their infant seats by the time they were 7 months. Having this awesome stroller was worth the slight hassle for 7 months. BTW, my kids love their stroller. They can be in a horrible mood, but they'll calm right down in the stroller. The backs adjust so the babies/kids can be laying down or sitting up. I really can't say enough about how great this stroller is.



answers from Salt Lake City on

I bought this one:


If that doesn't work, google "jeep double stroller amazon".

If you'll notice, all the reviews are good reviews. It's lightweight. My kids are 18 months apart and LOVED sitting next to each other. Hang a bag on the handlebars and you're good to go. Hang a blanket over the top to keep out the sun. (the sun shades aren't very wide.)It's the narrowest side by side stroller I've seen. I've not found a door I can't get through. (If it looks tight, I go in backwards.) The wheels never go flat. It's easy to push.

Now I use it for my twins.

I have another one for my twins that was a gift - eddie bower. It's nice when I have to pack lots of other stuff too - food/blankets/water....but the jeep side by side is my favorite....and it's only $80.00



answers from Provo on

We went with the Graco DuoGlider when our third baby came after having an old Kolcraft (I think?) when we had just our first two. We are now at 7 kids, all about 18mo apart and our good old Graco is still going strong! In fact I found myself wishing it would give out so that I could have an excuse to upgrade to the newer one b/c I like the look/colors better! : )
Plus we use the Graco car seat so we can use that with the stroller as well-something to factor in when you make your decision.

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