Potty Training Help - Minden, NV

Updated on January 23, 2008
T.S. asks from Minden, NV
10 answers

My daughter is 3 now and we are still having accidents while playing with other kids and also at night,not sure if anyone has any tips that might help me. I work two jobs and my husband is home with the kids, she is fine most of the time at home, but she forgets alot nowadays. I have tried candy and stickers for after she goes potty in the potty, I have even tried little presents if she goes the whole day without peeing in her pants and still no luck.

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So What Happened?

Thanks A million for all of your help, we are doing great with the day time we are down to only one accident once in awhile usually right before dinner and I did the no drinks after 7pm and the night time is about the same mostly no accidents but the occasional still happens but we are on the right track. THANKS AGAIN GIRLS!!!!!!

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answers from San Francisco on

When I potty trained my son, I had the same problem. What finally worked was "giving the problem to him". I told him that he was a big boy and he was the "boss" of his pee, and poop. I told him that I knew he could do it and the all he had to do was tell me and I would take him to the potty. Then I stopped asking him. I would sometimes remind him but mainly just let him deal with it. If he had an accident I would tell him the he was a big boy and he had to tell me, then give him a small punishment (no movie the rest of the day, not playing with a special toy, or just a few mintues sitting in the bathroon on the toilet). But I didn't make a big deal of it, I just told him next time would be better, and reminded him that he was a big boy and the "boss". It was 5+months before I tried this and it worked within 2 days! As for the night time, he still uses a pull up, my doctor told me it is more of a developmental thing then something you can teach! Good luck!

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answers from Sacramento on

Hello T.! I was in the process of potty training my son a few months ago and he had accidents while playing with his friends too. The parents are in training while the child is too. When you know that they are going to be distracted (like playing with friends) it is a good idea to check on them every half hour or twenty minutes and ask them if they have to go. That way it puts the thought in their mind. But, some accidents still happen and I think it helps the child learn. As for nighttime bed wetting...we had to stop giving our son anything to drink about two hours before bedtime. Part of his nighttime routine is to go to the bathroom. Those two things have helped him to stop having nighttime accidents.

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answers from Sacramento on

good morning T.
I have 2 boys, whom I potty trained at 2.1/4yrs. I was so tired of poopy diapers. anyway the 2nd one had a relapse's at 31/2 and kept pooping in his pants. we didn't go back and kept saying adn doing what you are doing and one day someone said you must tell them what you want them to do not what you don't want them to do. and tell them at night when they are sleeping. that very night I got the tip, I went into his room and told him over and over poop in the toilet. (don't say the negative) poop in th toilet. and the next day that is what we siad and from that day on he never pooped in his pants. honest truth. so remind her to go. many kids get so busy they don't want to go. go iwth her and remind her to go. and try the night time telling her when she is sleeping to pee in the toilet. pee in the toilet. hopefully t hat will work. she coudl be stubborn and will change over when she wants to. my friends boy still pee's in his pants and he is 5. I just gave her the same advice.
I hope that works. good luck H. in tahoe

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answers from San Francisco on

yeah, I wouldn't stress for sure. My son is 3 and he is trained at home and at school, but still needs a diaper if we are out and about, because I am not positive that he could hold it till we found a bathroom for him! The less pressure she feels, the more confident she will become and the more successful the whole process will be for everyone. Also, the night time dryness doesn't come until about age 5, from what I understand. That is not a "trained" thing. That is just a developmental process. Their bladders need to be large enough to hold it all night long. So you can't teach that to her. She will just be dry because she will have reached the age when her bladder can wait until morning. Patience, patience, patience! You will prevail!!! Good luck!

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answers from Stockton on

I would suggest having a timer or clock set for a hr. after she went pottie as a reminder for her. When the time goes off make sure she goes into the bathroom and goes. Then set the timer again.
My granddaughter is always in a hurry to get of the pot saying she does not have to go. But if I sit on the side of the tub and pertend that I am listen for her tinkle she go and we clap our hands.
Hope you have success. Oh I had my doctor tell me no one should go more then two hours between trips to tinkle.

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answers from San Francisco on

I always felt that potty training children was actually potty training the parents. I was the one that had to remember to tell them to go until they learned how to remember themselves. Before we leave the house I always make them go to the bathroom even if they say they don't need to go. When they are on the playground I always watched for the funny walk or run that was a sign that they needed to go. I called it the peepee dance. At night I would limit the milk. Instead of a full sippy cup, I gave them only 1/4 cup. I hope this is helpful. V.



answers from Redding on

Just be patient. Kids aren't meant to be on the toliet clock at this age. My daughter is 3 1/2 and still uses a pull up at night. No need to fret about a pull up....after all she is only 3. The more I relax, the more my daughter relaxes and uses the toilet.



answers from Sacramento on

It may just taking her a little more time. My son was potty trained by 3 which was the summertime and when his older sister went to school all day that fall he totally gave up. Just be supportive and dont shame her...that will only make it worse. Also the peer pressure of being around the other kids when she has an accident will help her in the right direction.



answers from Fresno on

I have a son that was like that. He is now five and still have problems at night. He is a very deep sleeper and I have tried to wake him up at night and take him to the restroom and still some times he wets the bed. He wears a night time diaper for those with small blader problems. Maybe your husband can pick out the times of days that she has the most problems and remind her to go and use the restroom. If their are other kids around playing and she see that if she stops and gose to the bathroom the kids aren't going to leave and not play with her any more. I know that was a problem that my son had he was afraid that the kids were going to leave if he went to the bathroom. Once we got him to understand that the kids will still be their



answers from San Francisco on

I have a 3 yr. old and he wears a pull up at night as well. I have a baby brother though. lol. My mother just limited his fluid intake at a certain time at night and that worked great with him. So now he gos all night without wetting himself. He is going to be 4 in febuary. Also they have a point on leaving it up to them. My 3 yr old has just been potty trained for 3 weeks now and he still has his little accidents. But don't punish them just say it is alright and that they need to let u know when they have to go cause that is what big boys and girls do. Took a long time though so right when i gave up on it he did it on his own. Just came to me one day and said he was ready to wear big boy underwear like daddy. lol what the cutest thing ever but he did it.

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