Moving a Goldfish to Another State

Updated on November 24, 2009
R.B. asks from Northridge, CA
9 answers

My kids love their goldfish and want to move him with us to our new state. The car is being towed on a truck and we five are flying with the driving and parking and the airplane transfer it will be about 10-15 hours from old house to new house. With the new 3 ounces of liquid rule per passenger I am stumped. I am open to creative suggestions. Thanks.

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answers from Washington DC on

When I was moving my tropical fish after my divorce and from one apartment to another, I always used one of those battery operated minnow pumps. I took a big jar, like a Nonni's Biscotti jar and punched a hole through the top, just big enough for the airline. Then hooked up the pump to that line. Worked fine for all but my very large plestococus sp???? He was huge and probably needed more air. All the other 9 fish made it OK.
Grandma N.

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answers from Washington DC on

There must be a way to ship - call the vet!

DOn't try with security. Can you imagine the trauma associated with the fish being denied boarding!!!

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answers from Washington DC on

I had a goldish (named Weeble) for 6 years, who I just adored. When it was time to move away, my mother and I decided together to donate it (and the tank) to a local women's shelter, so their kids had something to enjoy. I missed him, but I knew he was going to a good home. If you can't figure out a good way to bring him with, maybe donation to a worthy cause is a good option? The kids can choose the place. Good luck!

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answers from Washington DC on

have you tried putting your gold fish in a big plastic tub that has a sealed lid on it, put the tub in the car and cross your fingers!!!!!

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answers from Washington DC on

I don't know about temperature regulations for fish, but what if you put him in gallon ziploc bag with water and let him hitch a ride in the car? If the pet store disagrees, it might cause more pain than it's worth if he doesn't survive the trip.

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answers from Washington DC on

I don't know the answer to your question, but wanted to suggest that you contact a pet store to ask, preferably one that specializes in fish. I'm sure someone there is knowlegeable and could offer you a creative solution. Good luck. I'm curious to know how this turns out. Would you post a followup when you're done?

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answers from Washington DC on

I've never had fish, so I don't know a thing about how long they can stay in a small ziplock bag. But it's only going through security that the liquid restrictions apply. Can you put him in a small amount of water briefly and then once through security, buy some bottled water and tranfer him to a larger container and put it in your carryon?

Otherwise, the donation idea sounds really great.

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answers from Washington DC on

Hi- you know you can actually buy fish on ebay these days- SO there is a way to ship the fish. The fish store I go to gets shipments in big plastic bags and insulated boxes(like 7-11 type styrofoam coolers). Gold fish, as are all fish, are pretty suseptible to temperatures. So, I would not recommend the plastic baggie in the ziplock method in a hot car-the poor thing would not even be fit for sushi then! I don't recommend carrying it on the plane either- you will just have to give it up at the check thru and who needs that drama!
Call an Aquarium Store that mainly deals with tropical fish to get shipping instuctions- you might even be able to get shipping supplies from them. Of course, the donation idea is a great one(from the other poster). Goldfish are pretty hardy creatures BUT you are definately risking death with that kind of move. Setting it free in a friends pond is also an option for its survival. Good luck!

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answers from Norfolk on

I don't know the right answer for you, but just had to say what a terrific mommy you are! I had to say goodbye to each set of tropical fish every move, and it was hard for me, I can't imagine having to expain to my child that we couldn't take his special pet! Good luck and best wishes!

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