Help, Need Pulp-free Punch Recipe Asap!

Updated on June 08, 2009
T.S. asks from Orinda, CA
11 answers

Hi Moms,
I have a lighted punch fountain which is really fun. The problem is you can't make any punch with things like OJ/pineapple juice concentrate because the pulp clogs it up. It seems like every recipe I find calls for these (or similar) ingredients.
Does anyone have a good recipe which uses some kind of pulp free juice and soda? (No alchohol, it's for a kids party.) Thanks!

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi T.,

Here's an easy one:

1 can orange juice frozen concentrate(in the freezer section, they usually don't have pulp)
1 can pink lemonade frozen concentrate
1 bottle sprite or 7-up

it's actually pretty good!

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answers from San Francisco on

If you have a recipe you really like you can always strain the juice. If you use frozen cans of juice do it after it's thawed and mixed with water. You'll need two pitchers with one being big enough (but not too big) to accomodate the strainer. Pour the pulpy-juice through the strainer until it gets clogged (stirring with a spoon in the strainer helps) and then periodically tap out the pulp into the sink or compost container to speed up the flow.

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answers from San Francisco on

There are many pulp-free orange juices out there. A good recipe without orange juice is half ginger ale, half cranberry-raspberry juice.

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answers from San Francisco on

You can buy pulp free oj.

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answers from San Francisco on

yes! My friend's recipe for berry punch. I don't remember the exact concentrations so you can adjust them to suit your tastes, but you mix diluted frozen berry punch concentrate (Minute maid or the Safeway brand works just as well) and grapefruit soda like Squirt. I think it's one can of concentrate and 3 cans of water per liter of Squirt but it's not rocket science, if the quantities aren't exact it still turns out well and the kids I've served it to really enjoy it. The recipe also calls for adding a bag of frozen mixed berries (which add a nice bit of color and flavor) but you'd probably want to skip that since the berries, esp. the raspberries and blackberries, eventually break up into little bits that would clog your fountain like the pulp does.

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answers from San Francisco on

My fave summer drink these days is strawberry lemonade from Trader Joe's, mixed w/fizzy water or Sprite. I don't recall there being any pulp in it. Pomagranete (SP?) juice is also pulp-free so you could try something w/that juice.

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answers from Sacramento on

What is the possibility if you want to use one of the recipes that use OJ or pineapple juice that you might be able to strain them first to get out the pulp?

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answers from Salinas on


2 sm. bottles chilled Hawaiian punch concentrate
4 lg. bottles 7-Up or ginger ale, chilled
2 pkg. frozen sliced berries
2 pt. pink sherbet, frozen

In large punch bowl pour bottles of 7-Up and punch concentrate. Stir well to mix. Add strawberries; stir well. Just at serving time, add sherbet.

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answers from Bakersfield on

I found a punch recipe last October that we used for a Halloween party. It was basically equal parts Tang and Ginger Ale. As an added plus, you could make a frozen limeade ring. (We didn't do that because we didn't think it needed it.) It was really good - the kids and adults all liked it. If you don't want to use the Ginger Ale, I was thinking you could just use the Tang in place of OJ in some of your own recipes!

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answers from San Francisco on would have something that would work. Any juice mixed with Sprite or ginger ale would work I think. The kids are not that fussy about it usually ;-).

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answers from San Francisco on

Red punch koolaid or Hawaiian Punch, Tropicana no pulp and gingerale. I dont think it would clog the pump. This punch is really good with a little rainbow sherbert in the cup too, but is just as yummy alone - only need one cup of OJ to a gallon of punch

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