Healthy Preschool Snacks

Updated on August 26, 2009
T.H. asks from Beverly Hills, CA
9 answers

Hi Mama's! My son's Preschool has a designated "snack day" that everyone has to bring treats for. They would like for them to be relatively healthy & contain no peanuts or nuts. Any ideas? Not sure if they have a fridge available so room temperature items would probably be best. Thanks in advance!

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answers from St. Louis on

We had to bring healthy snacks also. I use to do pretzels and raisens. They were a hit with the kids!

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answers from Kansas City on

Some preschools have a fridge but the kiddo's are usually only there for a few hours. I usually try and do things that almost any child would eat. Grapes cut in half and put into baggies. Box of teddy grahams, gold fish or anything like that. I would also try and have the snack start with what ever letter they were working on that week or shape!!!!

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answers from Kansas City on

Our school district only allows certain snacks- pretzels, baked chips, whole grain crackers, cheese, meats, dried fruit, low fat pudding/yogurt, bagels, fresh veggies (with or without dip), low fat cheese crackers, Gardettos snack mix, trail mix... good luck!

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answers from St. Louis on

I would see if they have a fridge. My son's preschool does the same thing. I've brought carrots, celery and/or peppers and ranch dressing or hummus, string cheese, gogurt yogurt tubes, bananas, crackers, rice cakes, mini bagels with cream cheese to name a few. Just remember to check the labels for cross-contamination with peanut products or if it says the food was made in a facility where peanut are also processed if that stuff is banned too.

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answers from St. Louis on

Hi! I'm a prek teacher we ask the same at my school. Some ideas : fresh fruit( they love it) , cheese strings, chewy bars, yogurt, pretzels, mix of different cereals ( they can eat without milk) also mini carrots, some cookies are low sugar and don't have any peanuts :) . Hope u have a good school year.

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answers from St. Joseph on

Tree nut allergies are a beast...we had one in our class last year...if you can drop off at snack time or have access to the freezer - popsicles or ice cream cups are a HUGE HIT, especially on hot days. Pudding cups, applesause cups, yogurt...all things that are "outside the box" and that they don't see from every other parent. (Trust me goldfish crackers, pretzels and animal crackers get old fast).

If you can homemake stuff Family Fun magazine just had a GREAT recipe in it that made the snack look like a pencil. It was string cheese with a dab of mustard on the end and bologna as the eraser. Stick a bugle chip on the end for a point and top it with part of a raisen! Totally cute! Again homemade stuff is always awesome (banana bread, pumpkin bread, cranberry muffins, blueberry muffins, chocolate chip muffins or cookies).

There are also packages of fruit juice gummies out there...I beleive Welch's is one of the brands...those were pretty popular as were fruit roll ups.

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answers from Columbia on

My son's school requested pre-packaged snacks. We brought Goldfish crackers and juice boxes. The other responses covered everything else I was going to suggest except maybe Popsicles if they have a way to freeze them.



answers from St. Louis on

How about check mix without nuts. Make your own with cheerios and pretzels and raisins. They have the fruit roll ups or packaged fruit snacks. Applesauce cups or pudding cups with sprinkles or fruit cups.



answers from Kansas City on

Chex mix, cheese its, or those little snack trays that have the cheese and breadsticks, goldfish, pudding cups.

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