Had a mammogram..got a Call Back for More images...freaking Out...54 Years Old..

Updated on June 06, 2018
F.N. asks from Wellington, FL
11 answers

Has anyone here had this issue? Said think might be cyst.

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answers from San Francisco on

When I had mine they told me about 50% of women will get a call back, didn't they tell you that? Usually it's just because they need a clearer, better image.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I have to go back almost every single time and for me, it's never been anything. Usually it's because they didn't get a good image the first time. Once it was because they saw something weird that ended up being a lymph node in an unexpected place. At this point, I expect to get called back.

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answers from Washington DC on

Welcome to mamapedia!

stop freaking out. Your freaking out is NOT going to change anything.

Just make the appointment to go back and get 'er done. I would say that in number of the mammograms performed - 80% get called back and of that - 78% is NOTHING.

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answers from Portland on

They should have advised you this happens. I've had to go back for ultrasound before to get better image. It was nothing serious in my case.

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answers from Norfolk on

This is a common question.
If you search this site for 'mammogram' you will find lots of answers.

It happens all the time.
Try not to worry - it's usually nothing.

I had a sonogram turn up a lesion on my liver.
I had a CT scan on that last week and I'm still waiting to hear results about it.
Worrying does nothing but stress you out.
So relax and just wait till the doctors say you really have something to get upset about.

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answers from Santa Barbara on

I just turned 52 and up until 2 years ago when my breast center got a super high tech machine, I was called back every time. It’s pretty common.

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answers from Wausau on

I had my first 2D mammogram in April. I was also called back which happens a lot. In my case, there was something very small and not physically detectable spotted on one side. So I had a 3D mammogram on that side, plus an ultrasound. It was easy for me to see on the ultrasound screen. I was sent for a biopsy and it turned out to be a fibroadnoma, which are really common and always benign. Cysts are also common to find. In that case, they often drain if they insert a needle.

The time from "we need you to come back" to getting the biopsy results was harrowing, no matter how positive people were about it. I hope your appointment is soon and your results are swift so you don't have to spend much time wondering.

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answers from Rochester on

Until I started getting the 3D scans I got called back several times. Time of the month and breast density can often lead to call backs. Worrying does no good, but I know how hard it is not to worry! Take care!

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answers from Boston on

I totally understand how you feel. I know people will tell you "don't freak out" but that's not terribly helpful, is it? I'm hoping what you need is plenty of stories where the "Come back in" turned out to be nothing, right?

This used to happen to me all the time. There can be density issues, cysts, calcifications, just something funky with the image. 99% of the time, it's nothing. I have fibrocystic breasts, as do many women, so those little cysts (harmless) can cause shadows or unclear spots that make it hard for the radiologist to say, "I see a totally clear image." I've been called back into the imaging room from the dressing/waiting room, I've gone home and gotten a call a few days later, I've gotten a letter after 2 weeks saying to please come back. It has to do with when the radiologist looks at it (and sometimes they're backed up or not there at the moment you get your mammogram). Sometimes the first radiologist looks at it and then asks another for a 2nd opinion. So the delays don't necessarily have to do with the severity of the problem.

After my call-backs for a few new images, I usually was sent home and told I was fine. They got a better image and all was well. A few times, those repeat images weren't good enough. I've gone back for a couple of biopsies (2 different types) and had a surgery for calcification removal (well - I should say that I had an excisional biopsy and the tissue in the suspect area was removed, sent to pathology, and then turned out to be calcifications). None of these things were fun to do, but they turned out fine, and the worst thing I have is a tiny scar on the side of one breast that is barely noticeable. I'm fine. In retrospect, I am happy to have been called back rather than have someone skip over me and say, "Oh, she's probably fine." I've done some things since then for breast health and I've never had another problem, but there was a period of about 8 years when I had a cluster of call-backs. So I hope this is a one-shot deal for you, and I caution you that my history may not be yours. So a call-back now doesn't mean you're destined to have more call-backs.

I know it's no fun, but try to do something nice for yourself on the way in for the new image or on the way home. I am hoping - and I'm quite confident that statistics are on your side - that you will be absolutely fine.

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answers from Miami on

Hopefully they will do an ultrasound. I would be asking for that.



answers from McAllen on

Most are benign. I had a 0 cancer. Never heard of such. Get the best health care you can and listen to them. MD Anderson of Houston ranks 1, but there are others. Good luck.


Most are benign. I had a 0 cancer. Never heard of such. Get the best health care you can and listen to them. MD Anderson of Houston ranks 1, but there are others. Good luck.


Most are benign. I had a 0 cancer. Never heard of such. Get the best health care you can and listen to them. MD Anderson of Houston ranks 1, but there are others. Good luck.


Most are benign. I had a 0 cancer. Never heard of such. Get the best health care you can and listen to them. MD Anderson of Houston ranks 1, but there are others. Good luck.


Most are benign. I had a 0 cancer. Never heard of such. Get the best health care you can and listen to them. MD Anderson of Houston ranks 1, but there are others. Good luck.


Most are benign. I had a 0 cancer. Never heard of such. Get the best health care you can and listen to them. MD Anderson of Houston ranks 1, but there are others. Good luck.

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