Did You Know Mamapedia Is Run by Men?

Updated on November 22, 2011
J.B. asks from Katy, TX
17 answers

The website started in 2004 in San Francisco (silicon valley).
Justin Lin - Vice President Products and Co-founder
Tony Pribyl - Vice President, Sales.
Funding is provided by Shasta Ventures, a capital investment companyy in San Fran and Tugboat Ventures another investment company.
All of this info was obtained from a website called crunchbase.com.
Who would have thought.......?

ETA: Ya'll crack me up! Funny responses. I will try to clarify how things get 'pulled' or removed. This site is totally automated, like almost every other site out there. There are settings and parameters in the program of the site. For example let's say the programmers set the 'pull' threshold for 5. Once 5 people have clicked on that, POOF, it's gone. Believe me there is no 'staff' sitting in an office concerned about the Occupy movement or the Elf on the Shelf or an old lady getting pepper sprayed. And yes, 'co-sleeping' is hot!

Yarmatey, you are correct. Artie Wu is one of the original founders, he created it while working for a Texas based company called Pacific Group Ventures.

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So What Happened?

The investment companies behind Mamapedia are into TONS of other sites, I didn't recognize any of them though. Some of you may and you can see them by going to the site I listed above.
No real reason I researched this, just my inquisitive nature..... It bugs the sh*t out of my wife sometimes, LOL

Featured Answers


answers from Washington DC on

Ah, it is what it is. My 4 year old told his sitter that all girls had to listen to boys. She and I both laughed. Haha!! We joke in my house (well my husband jokes and I'm dead serious) that I wear the pants.

He had no idea the strong woman he was marrying. Though, some of what he has done in the past has made me who I am today. We are crazy in love, but I guess that's why you are supposed to do the whole dating, marriage, and then kids thing...and not date for a few months, get pregnant, and get married 15 months later!


Ah, it is what it is. My 4 year old told his sitter that all girls had to listen to boys. She and I both laughed. Haha!! We joke in my house (well my husband jokes and I'm dead serious) that I wear the pants.

He had no idea the strong woman he was marrying. Though, some of what he has done in the past has made me who I am today. We are crazy in love, but I guess that's why you are supposed to do the whole dating, marriage, and then kids thing...and not date for a few months, get pregnant, and get married 15 months later!

3 moms found this helpful


answers from Los Angeles on

From the things I've read on here lately, it has made me wonder if people who run the site also post on it. Just something I've pondered.

3 moms found this helpful

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answers from Seattle on

We all know you're the man behind the curtain J. ;)



13 moms found this helpful


answers from Houston on

Of course, it’s a bunch of men. They are trying to rebuild their karma after inventing things like bras, stilettos and spandex. They have a ways to go to correct the balance if you ask me.

7 moms found this helpful


answers from Phoenix on

Do you think J. and 8KidsDad are plants to add a manly perspective?

7 moms found this helpful


answers from Dover on

If it's run by men then why aren't they more logical about what they pull for being inappropriate. You can talk about threesomes but co-sleeping is a super no-no.

There's the answer to why some stuff gets pulled, folks. Guys don't know what co-sleeping is, but threesomes are hot! LOL

Just kidding J.! Although, as a stay at home dad I figure you know more than some of your work outside the home counterparts that don't work nearly as hard as you do and still get paid. You get to be the happy exception!

6 moms found this helpful


answers from New York on

Not surprising, but we know that women (and J.) really run the site. Without us, the site does not exist!

I believe that stockings and bras were manventures, too :-).

5 moms found this helpful


answers from Bloomington on

Good investigative skills, J.!

I'm guessing they have to be fathers who have women who do a lot of talking! Lol.

3 moms found this helpful


answers from Houston on

Mamapedia was created by a man, FOR his wife. :)

3 moms found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

LMAO at Jennifer S comment! I bet that's exactly how it went down.

3 moms found this helpful


answers from Pittsburgh on

Well, if true, that might explain a lot! (sorry, J. at home dad)
Honestly, it doesn't make a difference to me.

(I believe you, but have not checked it out myself.)

2 moms found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

That's so funny. What possessed you to look this up? Or did you already know, because you were in the garage with Wozniak and Jobs? ;)

Did "Justin" and "Tony" create any other websites with this type of platform? I like the format, but I'm much more than a mom. I have alot of other questions I'd like to ask. Is there a Chefapedia? Automechanicopedia? Healthylivingopedia? Relationsipopedia? Sexopedia? Politicalopedia? I want to ask questions of people other than moms sometimes. Sorry moms, but it is a pretty limited perspective!

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answers from Seattle on

Jennifer S.!

Holy wow...Funniest thing ever!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Iowa City on

I thought Artie Wu was the CEO and founder. I learned this from a blogger who hates mamapedia because of "information harvesting."

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Charlotte on

So funny! I love the posts, especially Jennifer's!



So funny! I love the posts, especially Jennifer's!



answers from Houston on

The trigger happy moderating makes sense now. :)


answers from Chicago on

not surprised at all.

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