Daddy's Little Girl

Updated on February 05, 2010
L.B. asks from Gastonia, NC
16 answers

My daughter (she will be 2 in April). always wants her Daddy! I mean always! If we are in any store, she doesn't even want me to push the buggy. She goes to him for everything. Now, that might not seem so bad to some, but it really makes me feel like she just doesn't like me. Any one else ever felt like this? Any suggestions??

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answers from Chicago on

It could be that she knows mommy will always be there and that she feels any time with daddy is special. My son seldom shows affection to me or my mom but when he sees my dad he just lights up because he is not always around. When it's something serious i bet she comes to you.

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answers from Hickory on

Oh yes. My 4 yr old is a daddy's girl. Sometimes I feel like she could care less if I'm here or not. It did used to bother me because I did carry her for 9 months and gave birth to her. She's supposed to cling to me right? But, then I remember when I was a little girl and even growing up, I also was a daddy's girl. In my eyes the sun set and rose in my dad. Plus, I have always heard that if a father and daughter have a really good relationship, she is less likely to going looking for "something missing" from boys when she is a teenager. So don't sweat it. She does love you. My husband enjoys being the one she wants all the time. He knows that as she grows and gets into more girly things that he won't be able to relate to her like I can.

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answers from Portland on

Your daughter isn't capable, at almost two, of tact or empathy. She simply can't understand how or why this might be painful for you, even if you and daddy tell her over and over. That's a developmental capacity that she hasn't achieved yet.

It's so normal for kids to "prefer" the attention of one parent for awhile, for weeks or months. Not infrequently, they'll switch to the other at some point. It's inexplicable to us, and it can hurt. We give so much of ourselves to our beloved children. My 4yo grandboy has switched allegiance a couple of times. For awhile daddy felt left out, then mommy felt rejected.

Fortunately, each parent endured the inevitable favoritism with endless good humor and patience, and the preferred parent made every effort to cheerfully include the other in activities, games and conversations. The teamwork eventually seemed to swing my grandboy back to center, but maybe he would have gotten there anyway.

It's important not to let your daughter know that her spontaneous feelings have hooked you. This can become the basis of power tripping later on. She's not capable of that now, but she'll begin to feel the potential for manipulating you as she gets older.

Hope this doesn't last too long. Your daughter really does love and need you.

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answers from Jacksonville on

Enjoy it. I hope Daddy is in her heart forever. I have two Daddy's girls and he is their one and only. What he says they do, of course what they say he does too. Daddy/daughter relationships that are close will allow your daughter the security she needs in middle and high school.

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answers from Spokane on

I stay at home during the day with my kids and they are always so excited when daddy comes home-That might be part of the reason...

I have noticed that my daughter (almost 2) also loves,loves,loves being with her daddy. Daddy always has to carry her and push the cart...he is a lot more fun than me, in all honesty-that might be part of the reason...always running with the cart and letting her dance on the ceiling:)

She also prefers to snuggle him in bed, rather than me, which was a shock because both my boys always choose me, not him:)-It might just be genetic? There might be a reason they're sayings like: Daddy's girl and momma's boy!!??

Don't let it hurt your feelings!

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answers from Parkersburg on

This is usually a temporary thing. My little girl did that for awhile. I tried to remedy the situation by saying...."you are daddy's girl.....but your are mommy's baby" I kept putting that idea in her head so we would both have a special place in her heart. As for the she only lets daddy do stuff for her......that's fine........until daddy's not there and then she has to know that mommy has to be the one to do things until daddy's available. I know this is easier said than done. I felt so rejected by all three of my kids when they were little and only wanted daddy. It is a phase. My daughter still is daddy's girl (she's 4).......but she also knows that she has a special relationship with her mommy too. I know I ran on and on, but I hope I helped some. Just have faith in your job as mommy to know that she loves you too even though it may not seem like it at this stage.

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answers from Nashville on

I go through this constantly. If my husband is anywhere near my son he cries until he can be near him. My husband can not do anything without my son following him around. If I try to help, he just kicks and screams to get to his dad. It really does hurt my feelings too and it is wearing on my husband. The best thing that we have done is for me to spend time with him and my husband stays out of sight. I hope this helps even if it is just to know that you are not the only one.

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answers from Louisville on

thats very normal both my girls went through that stage. it will pass just let her get time with her daddy trust me its a good thing!



answers from Detroit on

Oh my. I went through the same thing right around age two also. It killed me. She wouldn't even give me hugs or kisses. I cried to my husband about it all the time. It really broke my heart. NOW, my daughter is 4 and for the past year, every night at bedtime, she always wants Mommy to put her to bed and she has become much more snuggly with me.

They just go through phases I guess. I would suggest you try to create some special Mommy-daughter rituals with her (I did toenail painting and story parties -- We would put on pajamas, I would share my extra special honey hand lotion with her, and would climb into my bed to read 10 books in a row). She loved those times. AND, just try to ignore it the rest of the time. I know it's hard to ignore the cold shoulder from her, but it will pass eventually.



answers from Chicago on

My two-year-old son is a daddy's boy all the way! This is very similar to what I go through, especially on the weekends. If daddy's home, it's like I don't exist. He's been through this stage off and on, but in the past few months, it's stuck. Ugh. I'm a SAHM, and I tell my husband that I've given up being ME for him, can't he appreciate me a little? But the truth is that I know he loves me too, it's just that I'm always there. So if I go out on the weekends for a couple of hours without the two of them, he barely even notices I'm gone. Sigh. But I've noticed that if I ignore him when my husband's around, he's more likely to seek me out!



answers from Nashville on

my daughter went through the same thing at 2. Daddy was the only person who could do anything for her, he was all she wanted. She is 6 now and is such a mommy's girl, that sometimes I wish for those "daddy's girl" moments. My son, on the other hand, is a daddy's boy and I'm chopped liver. I don't feel like he doesn't love me, but I wish he wouldn't be so dismissive at times. When he goes to bed and after he's asleep I go lay beside him and hold him, kiss him and just's the only time I can get with him.
It will pass, things will change, but your child loves you no matter what.


answers from Fayetteville on

Kids go through that so you will have to be patient and wait your turn. I know it hurts my son always wants his dad and I hate it for a long time now it mom. I am happy now and my husband waiting for his turn again. I think it's some thing they go through.

Be encourage.



answers from Boston on

My daughter is just like this. People will tell you not to let it bother you, but believe me, I totally get that this is impossible. Even though she doesn't do it to hurt your feelings, it hurts, so I always found that I felt better when I just accepted that it just plain sucks. What I can tell you is that it waxes and wanes. For my daughter, now almost 5, it never completely goes away - she's totally a daddy's girl - but it was really bad right around age 2.5, and actually got worse again recently. I work as a teacher, so I am around more in both the mornings and afternoons, and we sometimes spend all afternoon with "I want Daddy." No fun.

But, here's some advice (since you asked for it) - just roll with it. When she wants Daddy, don't push back. My daughter is very stubborn, and can totally dig her heels in. And that just made me feel worse, because then I was practically begging to take care of her and she still wanted dad. Giving up the fight helped a lot. Also, when we do have a good time together, I specifically point it out. Not that it will make a huge difference with a 2 year old, but I think a little positive reinforcement is a good thing. And finally, you just have to wait. It does get better. And make sure that your husband knows that its a sensitive issue, because I always felt better being validated that I'm not a terrible mother.

And just remember that. You are a good mom. There's just something about their chemistry. You two still have a great relationship and she loves you tons, I'm sure. It will pass. Good luck.



answers from Roanoke on

I don't know how well this helps, but I have 2 Mommy's boys and it absolutely drives me crazy. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my boys MORE than life itself. BUT I NEVER have ME time. I've struggled getting them to even stay with Grandma & Grandpa (who we live with at the time) so I can go to the grocery store or run an errand. The only quiet time I get is when they are sleeping (and at night they are in our bed, so I don't even get much quality time with my husband.) I am sure she is just going through a phase like the other moms mentioned and will turn to you when she is ready. So I say, enjoy the time you have because when the time comes that she ONLY wants Mommy, you will miss the sanity you had before. =)



answers from Raleigh on

Hi L.
Believe it or not, this is just a phase. She is learning boundaries. We went through this (and still are) with my 2 1/2 year old son. If you're pushing her in a cart and Dad's not there and she asks for him, I would simply say "Daddy's not here right now, but Mommy is pushing you" and then show her something that's in the cart - otherwise, distraction. It does hurt feelings, but try not to take it personally. She loves you so much and right now she's learning boundaries.
You'll get through it - patience.



answers from San Diego on

My son goes through phases where he prefers one parent over the other. It never really bothered me, except that it made doing certain activities a hassle when I was alone with him during his "Daddy phases." But I know that my husband's feelings are often hurt when he goes though his "Mommy phase." I know it's hard when you're going through it, but just know that your daughter loves you. And take advantage of the break when she wants Daddy to do it all for her. :)

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