Chemotherapy for Hepatitus C

Updated on May 11, 2009
M.B. asks from Midland, TX
18 answers

Dearest moms. my mom recently found out that she has hepatitis C. We were surprised to find out that not only does she have it, but she is stage 2, We had a liver bi-opsey done and was told that her liver was in GREAT SHAPE!! The doctor was surprised of this because she is VERY healthy!! She is only more tired. She is 49. We have figured out that she got the hepatitis from a home done tattoo. Well, the Dr. put her on meds that will take 1 year. She has a 65% chance of a complete cure. He told her the meds he was putting her on were chemo. He said they will be delivered to her house by Fed X. He says, she will get 1 shot per week, and 2 pills per day. He told her that she would be depressed, mad, will loose her hair, and should " ask her husband not to divorce her during this year. "
I would not think a Chemo medicine powerful enough to make you loose your hair, would be allowed to be delivered to someones home.
Has anyone been threw this before or know someone who has???
What should we expect???
Thanks mom's!!!

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answers from Victoria on

My ex father inlaw had Hep C and took many meds but did not take chemo. I would definatly get a second opnion.

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answers from Austin on

My BIL had this same experience about two years ago. He is married but decided to stay with his parents while receiving the meds because he was told it was going to be a difficult journey. It was extremely h*** o* him and his parents were affected emotionally along with his wife. He lost a lot of weight because he had no appetite. He was very depressed. He had a lot of bad days mixed with some good days. The especially bad news for him was that after the chemo, the hep returned. We were all so hopeful. Unfortunately, he had to undergo another round of chemo that was even more intense. Thankfully, today, he is healthy, strong and lives a normal life.

It was very difficult for the family because we all felt helpless while he was in so much misery. The best we could do was be there for him and let him know that we love him very much and that he had to pull himself through to the end. He could not just quit the therapy. That would be like giving up.

It will be a very trying period for everyone in the family, but always remember to be compassionate and patient and never give up.

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answers from Austin on

I know someone who went through this a few years ago. He took Interferon, dont know that i spelled it correctly or exactly what it was.....but i believe it was similar to chemo. His hair thinned, but he in no way lost all of it and there were days when he felt pretty crappy, tired, depressed....but made it through. Its been 2-3 years since and his test have always come back great!!

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answers from Houston on

I did it while working full time and being a widow with a small child. Not to say it isn't difficult, but it's doable. Also, my hair loss was probably about 30%, not complete, and from what you've said (which is basic beginner info...things change during the course of treatment) they aren't starting her with as much med as I was on. I took 9 of the Ribovirin pillsa day plus my weekly shot. They'll watch her blood reports very closely and if/when she starts to produce fewer blood cells they'll give her something else (probably another shot) to build them up. By the end I was taking four shots a week (self-administered) plus the 9 pills, plus an anti-depressant, plus something for reflux. I HAVE NO HEPATITIS and it's been four years, so it's worth it. She will (most likely) take her shots on Friday so she can have the weekend to rest and recover. Don't expect much in the way of energy for the period of treatment, but it DOES get better, there IS a finish line. A friend of mine just finished his treatment a year ago and he's clean now, too. Chin up!!! It'll be OK.

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answers from Houston on

Hi M.! My grandmother was diagnosed with Hep C awhile back from a blood transfusion back in the 60's. I'm not sure what medicine they put her on but she couldn't handle it, come to find out it was doing something to the levels in her liver and it got so high that it was making her have alzheimer symptoms, she didn't know who were were etc. Long story short she recently went to the doctor and they did all kinds of tests on her and come to find out her Hep C has been cured! Doctors don't know how it happened but she no longer has it, proof that God is good! The only downside is she now has cirrhosis of the liver because of the Hep C. She is going through classes and evaulations to try and be put on a donor list for a new liver. Not sure if any of this helped but if I were you I would probably get a second opinion just to be on the safe side. Take care and I wish nothing but good health and happiness for your mom =)

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answers from McAllen on

Hi M.,

My step brother had was diagnosed with Hep C 6 years ago. He too got it from dirty needles at a run-down tattoo shop. He took the chemo is doing well today. I was unaware about how he obtained or took the chemo, but he is well again as a result of it. My brother-in-law was on chemo all of the last year and four months for a cancerous brain tumor. He had to go to the hospital every two weeks for an intravenous "Superdose." But he had a prescription for chemo pills that he took at home. He did lose his hair and had horrible mood swings. He had days where he was sick to his stomach and days where he just didn't want to get out of bed. But then there we other days where he was his old funny self and we could easily forget what he was going through.

Have your mom eat a potassium rich diet while she is taking the chemo. Lots of avocados, bananas, potatoes, peaches, and others. I can get you a complete list of potassium rich foods if you want.

Oh, and as we come into the mosquito season, tell your mom to enjoy the fact that she won't need OFF! as the chemo will take care of that for her.

I wish you all the best of luck and will keep your family in my prayers.


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answers from Houston on

Sounds like your mom is being treated with Ribapak and Peg Intron redipen. This is what I am currently on. I contracted Hep C from a blood transfusion I received when I was 16 undergoing chemo for leukemia. I have lived with the Hep C virus for 21 years now and for the most part I am very healthy.

The side effects of the meds vary from person to person and of course the doctor is going to emphasize the worst case scenario. I have had some hair thinning but nothing that anyone else can tell. The other symptoms I currently have is a lot of fatigue and brain fog. For me I will say that the depression they warned me of is more of a physical depression than an emotional one. What i mean by brain fog is confusion over little mundane things and short term memory loss. This can cause frustration and the meds do tend to make you snappier, quicker to anger. I am in for 48 weeks of treatment, I have 20 already under my belt.

There are only a few pharmacies that carry these meds and usually the doctor will automatically set it up for her. It is shipped via Fed Ex and the pharmacy will call to make sure someone is available to receive it since the Pegintron has to be refrigerated. It comes in a pen dispenser just like insulin.

My mother also had Hep C from a transfusion. She also did this treatment and it was harder for her. However she was much sicker and a smoker. I lost her to liver failure 4 years ago this July.

If you want someone to talk to who is familiar with both ends of the treatment, going thru it and watching a loved one do it, feel free to give me a call. Shoot me a private email and I will send you my number.

The best advice is to think positive and laugh a lot. Watch lots of comedies together, it will do you both good!

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answers from Austin on

i would wonder what the drug is...chemo is sort of a general term for the chemicals used, etc. It can be administered via pills, injections (like your mom's case) or the i.v. treatments. Because it will be more comfortable and easier, she can have the shots in her home.
Although this was not at all chemo, my husband gave me progesterone shots while i was pregnant...mailed from a faraway pharmacy that was trusted by the doc. Good luck, it will be tough but i know she will be just fine! Home will be a better place to recover with all that. And does she take milk thistle? Might be worth looking into :) I've met many a person who was aided and healed with that added along. It will help keep the liver from getting chewed up by all the chemicals. She's healthy to start and so that's a great sign!! Bless you all.

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answers from Houston on

I didn't read over the other letters and so I apologize if this is a repeat, but I want to be sure you know that the radio station KPFT, 90.1 FM, has a weekly radio show devoted to Hep C -- there is a call-in component. You can listen to back episodes on the KPFT website (I think there will be a link called "archives" that should get you to it and also allow you to see when it is on.

Good luck!!

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answers from Houston on

My girlfriend went through the year treatment. She didn't feel so great some of the time, but she came through fine and it was five years ago. She didn't lose her hair. She never quit her job. It didn't change her personality but she is a very laid back type person. She did exactly what the doctor said. Just encourage your mom to be brave and optimistic. If she stays busy, a year will pass in no time. Good luck.

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answers from Austin on

M., one of my dear friends (known her for 30 yrs.) was diagnosed with Hep C and put on medication. During the course of her illness, her hair fell out, she would go from being warm and friendly to a woman who did not even know my name. She realized it was the meds that were doing this to her, but she was just turned into someone else. After about a year, she was able to get off the meds and has returned to the person she was before, with some changes. I live across the country from where she is, so I can only speak to her behavior on a once a week telephone call, I can't imagine what it was for her husband and friends there. so, be patient and expect changes and hope your mom is cured of her illness and returns to the person you knew.

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answers from Austin on

I know AIDS cocktails are sent via FED-Ex, so I would think this would be something along those same lines. Blessings to you and yours.

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answers from Houston on

i do not know much about Hepatitus c and chemotherapy expect what i have read,but i know this ,if i was not comfortable with any treatment given to me or my family i would seek a second third opinion from other doctors. Most doctors do not mind u seeking a second opinion. please take ur mother to another doctor.



answers from Houston on

Greetings M., and my prayers are w/you and loved ones. As you know by now there is no vaccine for this. But, there is Faith in you and the one up above!First, let me ask, has your mother been vaccinated against Hep.-A? I did find a list of Natural Herbs, that have been taken by a friend of mine. It's called #1 Elixir Combo the top 4 elixir. The industry today uses natural plants. This has worked for her.There is also a site called the Five Faces Of Hepatitus. Please check it out. And I am sorry to say she is correct, she will have loss of hair/but so much that you can do for her, when that time comes. She will become weak/fatigue/loss of appetite/loose bowel movement & lots more. Don't get discouraged! You are blessed in many ways M., and you shall see later. Be prepared for you shall have alot to look & experience, but, you were the chosen one! There is something about you, that you shall be in care, and you will be alright. Make her as comfortable as possible. As for her husband, if he should leave now, shame on him, but, his loss, for she will recover, and this too shall pass.

Your New Friend,
Ms. Liza



answers from San Antonio on

Hi M. -

My mom was diagnosed with Hep C and went through that same treatment. I actually moved home and took care of her during this time. I noticed that you received some helpful advice already. My mom didn't lose all her hair but it thinned out a great deal. The meds do take a toll on the body and the mood swings can be tough - however, you need to be supportive. One thing that we did was to do something "special" around the day that she got her injection. For her, we made a special dinner and focused on her that night. Her tastes changed - a lot of things were really offensive to eat - so I had to be creative with my cooking. I recommend getting a cookbook for cancer patients and figure out what your mom likes. One other post mentioned avocados - these are great! They are mild in flavor, easy to eat and have a ton of great fat! She did the treatment for a year so if you have any other questions feel free to send me a personal message. Good luck!



answers from Austin on

Chemotherapy is poison for the body in hopes that the virus is will die before the body does. Nasty, and totally unnecessary.

A friend of mine has been 'managing' Hep C for about 15 years. He is careful about rest, taking B vitamins, and keeping his stress levels low. Where we differ is that he still takes medications.

NO ONE knows all the full long-term effects of medications on the body. More evidence is coming out on it's effect on the liver, kidneys, brain, and bone joints. Best to avoid, whenever possible. The AMA, FDA and pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in keeping Americans slightly ill (that's how they make money!). We spend more than any other country on health, yet the WHO ranks the US as 28th in overall health. Personally, I am my own health advocate.

More research is indicating that ionic silver and elderberry extract are more effect without side effects.

Silver research:

Elderberry research:

Other medication research:



answers from Houston on

I would get a second opinion on the treatment. Because it sounds like a lot.

My father-in-law has had Hep C for years. Back in the 70s he had to a blood transfusion and it was bad blood (this was before all the testing they do now on blood). He is on daily medicine but nothing like what your mother is going through.

If it sounds odd go for the second opinion. Ever doctor is different.

Good luck.



answers from Houston on

I would recommend staying away from chemo and going the natural route. Look up "Nutriferon" on the Shaklee website - The testimonials are just wonderful! Good luck!

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