Birthday Collectibles for Each Age

Updated on January 16, 2011
K.B. asks from Saint Paul, MN
13 answers

I am wondering what Birthday Collectibles are out there for kids? My oldest daughter collects Cherished Teddies and my Mom gets her a new one each year for her birthday with her age on them. My niece collects the Precious Moments. I am trying to think what else is out there for my youngest daughter to start collecting as next month she will be 1yr old and will need to get her first one.

These need to have the kids age on them (1,2,3...), not just statues to collect for fun.

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answers from Rapid City on

My mom chose different collectables for me for each birthday, depending on the theme of my birthday party. With my daughter I started her on the Josep Collectiables and since I had the 10, 11 and 12 from my childhood when we got to those, we put the ones that was on my cake on hers, I thought this made them extra special.

My granddaughter was born 9/27/06 and I started her on Precious Moments. She is my youngest son's daughter so I am getting her, her own set. If and when my daughter has a daughter, I plan on using her collection and see if we can make these a tradition, not just collectables.

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answers from Kokomo on

Granted this is years later than this question being asked, but just in case someone else is out there still looking... These are some of the series I know of (I work at a Hallmark).
Cherished Teddies- Enesco has discontinued this series and will be bringing out a new bear series in spring 2011
Josef (girls with glazed dresses); thru age 16
Precious Moments- Growing in Grace, Blonde or Brunette; thru age 16
Precious Moments- Birthday Train; thru age 16, also has a clown and a picture frame to lead train
Precious Moments- Princess Train (new in late 2010); only goes to number 6 as of right now, don't know if there will be more to follow, also has Prince Charming leading the train
Tinkerbell and Mickey Mouse; has numbers 0-9
Growing Up Girls, Blonde or Brunette; thru age 16- the last one can be musical or non-musical
There used to be a John Deere series, but I haven't seen it in years. It may be discontinued.
Hope this helps!



answers from Sheboygan on

There is a through the years collectible. Coach house carries them and I believe Hallmark might have them as well. They have brown and blond haired ones and the age is on them. I get them for my niece and she loves them.



answers from Duluth on

We gave my daughter a charm bracelet and then give her a charm on her birthday every year. Cute idea that her aunt thought of! Good luck!



answers from Milwaukee on

We wanted to start with the "birthday girls" from Hallmark; they are apparantly discontinuing the brunette girls( at least in my area) so we have decided to do a charm bracelet.



answers from Madison on

How 'bout a chain with one pearl? Then add a pearl each year (or the number of pearls she is old each year) and she'll have something of real value and use all her life.



answers from St. Cloud on

As I read the replies to this post, since your daughter is very young, be aware of charm bracelets. When I called doctors office about my daughter who is 3 had swallowed an object, they right away asked if it was a charm as they are made of metal and depending on the type of metal can be toxic. Apparently a little boy a short while back swallowed a charm from a necklace and it had lead in it and the child died. If you start doing charms for a bracelet, maybe wait for your child to be at least 5 or 6 before you let her wear it. Figurines that have dates and names can be found on ebay too, so if you want to start a collection, you can search there too once you know what you want.



answers from Waterloo on

If you visit a Hallmark store or something similar, I'm sure you'd be able to get several ideas.



answers from Appleton on

I am getting the Precious Moments circus train for my goddaughter/niece.
Enesco makes birthday girls in blonde and brunette with ages on them up to age 16. My sister is getting them for my daughter. They have a website. Just google enesco.



answers from Sioux City on

Dreamsicles!!!!! I collect them and they are adorable! There are figurines for ANY occasion and are inexpensive to buy....they make christmas ornaments also. Just a suggestion, but I know myself, my girlfriend, niece and granddaughter all love ours! (rereading i am not sure about the 1,2,3 but I am sure there are places to check this out.) Good luck



answers from Sheboygan on

Hallmark used to carry what we always called the "Birthday Girls"--they had a set of blond and a set of brunette--each was in a long dress and holding something different for each year. Check there and see if they have something. My sisters and I each have a set; on a side note--my mom always made our birthday cakes, and the "Birthday Girl" was the cake topper--she used some icing to hold a piece of foil in place on the bottom of the dress, then used some piping of icing around the edge of the dress to hold it on the cake--we loved it!



answers from Madison on

I have a friend who is into Winnie the Pooh. I am not. I think she buys her kids pieces to a "Pooh and friends train" or something like that. Cute for the first few years at least. I like the charm idea because I'm sure you wouldn't be giving it to an infant or toddler to just wear around at such a young age.

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