Baby Planet Stroller on Plane?

Updated on July 18, 2010
T.V. asks from Madison, WI
5 answers

Has anyone ever taken a baby planet stroller on a plane? I have the baby planet solo sport stroller and am going to be travelling soon. It does collapse like an umbrella stroller, but is still a bit heavy an bulky. I am wondering if I should take it along or buy a really cheap umbrella stroller instead?

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answers from Washington DC on

Any stroller you take will not be allowed IN the passengers area of the plane. You can use it up to the point that you are boarding the plane. Right outside the door to the plane, airline personnel will take the stroller from you. When you land, they will redeliver the stroller to the airplane door. So the question really is which type of stroller is easier on you in an airport and through security.




answers from Wichita Falls on

I took a collapsible stroller on the plane. they just put a special tag on it and put it with the bags, but they give it too you when you get off the plane. like immediately. its no biggie at all



answers from Minneapolis on

We have always taken a cheapo umbrella stroller mostly to save space on the other end as there isn't much room in the trunk after luggage. A side benefit to this is that if something happens to in in transit, it isn't to your good stroller. I've never heard of a stroller getting lost b/c they are checked at the gate, but our cheapo stroller has been mangled (twice!) by various handling practices. They don't necessarily treat anything you check on gently. And, no, they will not reimburse you for any damage to any item, baby or otherwise.

Have a good trip!



answers from Appleton on

I would take what you are comfortable with and what will work best for you at your actual destination. Like the other gal posted you won't get to take it on the plane and none of the airlines are charging for children's items as of yet. Let's hope they don't start--it is hard enough to travel with kids and their stuff. So, I would look at how you will use the stroller once you get there...if you don't feel like you will use it much get an umbrella if you think you will use it (like going to Disney) take the nice one it is always good be more comfortable. Travel safe and have lots of fun!



answers from Minneapolis on

I would take the stroller you like. As long as it is an umbrella stroller they will "gate check" it. Meaning you leave it st the door as you enter the plane and it will be there when you get off the plane at the other end, as long as you are not first off. i suggest getting a stroller bag from a children's store. They are about $10. We used ours when we went to Florida at Christmas time. It worked great plus I stashed our warm winter coats in it when we left Florida so we diddn't have to carry them on the plane. This bag also protects your stoller from damage in the cargo hold.

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