23 Month Old Son in Pain When I Wipe Around His Testicles with a Wipe/no Rash

Updated on April 12, 2010
J.G. asks from San Diego, CA
10 answers

For the past week whenever I wipe my son around his testicles after a diaper change he squeals in pain and pulls back and goes stiff. He doesn't have any sort of rash, i thought perhaps the wipes were stinging him so i tried just a warm soft washcloth with water but he still seems in pain. I am wiping VERY gently. He seems to be in pain if I even touch them at all. He also seems to have pain if I touch above his groin area when putting on his diaper. I am with his 24/7 and he hasn't eaten anything strange and he doesnt seem to be sensitive anywhere else???? I am at a loss and his whimpers are breaking my heart!!!!

**EDIT** Taking him to the doctor ASAP! That was my first thought, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't overreacting.

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answers from Lewiston on

When my son was 3 he had similiar signs and symptoms. He had a hernia, wich we did not realize he had. What finally happened was it started leaking, wich caused an infection and 1 of his testicles to come un tacked. Please take him to the dr! Better safe than sorry!

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answers from New York on

I would definitely take him to the dr...he may have a hernia. Poor baby!!! I hope you figure out what is going on.

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answers from Honolulu on

take him to the Doctor.
My thought was Hernia as well.

My daughter had a hernia.

This is common in kids as well.

take him to the Doctor.

Hernias, don't just go away... and you need to have it checked, because it can cause serious complications.
If he gets worse, take him to the ER.

all the best,

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answers from New York on

sounds like it could be hernia. Please take him to the doctor very soon! This is fixable and an unnecessary pain for him.

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answers from Denver on

I agree with other posts - please get him to doc asap on Monday. It could be hernia or a problem with testicles. Sometimes they pull up and twist on themselves. Very painful and can also affect fertility.

You could also contact a pediatric urologist and see how quickly you can get him in. They usually have openings set aside slots for patients with urgent matters.

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answers from Casper on

Take him to the doctor, it sounds like something mechanical, maybe they are in the wrong position.

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answers from San Luis Obispo on

What you are experiencing is typical parent doubt . Do call the Dr. and explain everything as you did here. The Dr.s office will make the right call. They will probably have you bring him in for a visit . To calm your nerves, this is something that can happen to boys. Just get to your dr, as there are several things that can be going on that a simple antibiotic could help.

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answers from San Diego on

Hello, It could just be nothing, but I would take him to the doctor. My oldest son had a hernia in the groin area. Yours is probably not this, but it won't hurt to rule it out.
Good luck with your precious little boy.
K. K.



answers from Los Angeles on

That's what I would have suggested...to go to the doctor...



answers from Los Angeles on

Get himto a doctor maybe he has an infection good luck A. no hills

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